Yamaha acquires Torqeedo

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by DCockey, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Yamaha has an incredible customer service operaton. I called them with some integration problems setting up a couple outboards and they helped me tremendously as my boat was too large to take to a rigging shop and the shops here were not willing to send a tech to my build site. The Yamaha experience was not without hiccups, but I got things done with their help and the help from Andy Jr. at Sim Yamaha in Wisconsin. My local dealer did not do as good a job and will not be named up or down. They ordered a part with the wrong part number and wanted to stick me with a $750 bill and the wrong part. Yamaha intervened and told them they were required to take the return.

    I can only imagine success if Yamaha does the same with Torqueedo.
    Paul Scott, Will Gilmore and C. Dog like this.
  3. C. Dog
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    C. Dog Senior Member

    The juggernaut will see that everyone knows what a Torqueedo is and their attention to detail and QC is up there with the best. I have dealt with Yamaha Marine extensively over the years, since they first entered Australia in their own right in about '84, prior to that Mercury sold them under the Mariner brand. I used to reckon for every Yamaha that had warranty issues there were 10 JohnnyRudes and 5 Mercurys. Today it seems Suzuki has it together with marine and are giving everyone a shake up.
  4. SolGato
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    SolGato Senior Member

    Interesting. Don’t know why Yamaha would want to tarnish their name, but then again maybe they like many others have recognized the fundamental design mistakes Torqeedo has repeatedly made and intend to sort them out and start selling the kind of product everyone was promised, either that or they are looking to add to the Loss column on their yearly P&L sheets while being able to say they are moving toward being greener in an effort to keep up with the competition.

    One thing is for sure, if they end up distributing and servicing through their existing dealer network, Torqeedo owners stand to benefit.
    Paul Scott likes this.
  5. Paul Scott
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

    If product and support are anything like Yamaha pianos, a good product will be great.

    Some existing Torqeedo dealers need to be shaken up, though.

  6. Paul Scott
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

    Sol Gato sez: “One thing is for sure, if they end up distributing and servicing through their existing dealer network, Torqeedo owners stand to benefit.”

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