
Discussion in 'Wiki Archive' started by Soggyhull, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Soggyhull
    Joined: Mar 2015
    Posts: 6
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    Location: San Jose, CA

    Soggyhull Junior Member

    I was excited to join up since I'm new to boating, but it looks like maybe the wiki is not used much anymore? Any place I can poke around and do some learning as a new guy?
  2. Boat Design Net Moderator
    Joined: Feb 2010
    Posts: 576
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    Hi Soggyhull - the wiki was a beta project starting in 2007 but it didn't really work well in conjunction with the forums and is being retired soon.

    Suggest you browse around the forums relevant to your interest, see if there is an existing topic covering your question with a quick search, and if not, feel free to ask questions in the most relevant forum.

    For example, for general design questions, choose or for boatbuilding questions choose or if the question is specific to metal boat building or fiberglass GRP, choose that relevant subform of the boatbuilding forum.

    Please choose the one forum which is most relevant and try to be specific enough and provide enough information in a question to create a topic that is answerable. If you are looking for general information, possibly outline the direction of your interest and your background and other members may recommend some good resources or books which you would enjoy.

    Best wishes and welcome to the forums.
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