VW/AUDI 3.0TDI marinising

Discussion in 'DIY Marinizing' started by MihaS, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. PickleRick
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    PickleRick Junior Member

    Is there any issue in running one of the cheap ebay water to air intercooler with a zink in the system? I need an intercooler on mine and was planning on feeding the hose from the alpha one pipe up to the ic first, then through the heat exchanger and then back into the exhaust down pipe. I know it may onky last a season in salt water ( ill only use it in salt water for a week or two a year) the rest in fresh water. For less than 150 usd a year i could buy one a season.

    I would assume that raw water cooled ic would be better than engine coolant when it comes to iat and performance.

    These little vw motors are working harder than originally designed.
  2. Gurryman
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    Gurryman New Member

    I have a pair of 4.2 L TDI 370s They have about 50 hours from new, The fuel systems were removed (contaminated) But other than that they are like new. I was going to use them on a project but have moved onto other things. I'm considering parting them out, but that would be a shame. I would consider selling a single or as a pair.

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    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  3. shakescreek
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    shakescreek Junior Member

    How much are you asking for them?
  4. Gurryman
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    Gurryman New Member

    $13500 each OBO, I would even consider parting them out for the right offer.
  5. shakescreek
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    shakescreek Junior Member

    Too rich for me, but considering the price of these new someone should be happy to take them off your hands at that price. Do they have the ecu's and wiring harness's with them? And what is missing from the fuel systems, high pressure pump and injectors there?
  6. Gurryman
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    Gurryman New Member

    The engines Have the Common Rail pumps, high pressure fuel lines and off engine transfer pump. The Injectors and leak off lines are missing. The ECUs are engine mounted and included. Off engine harnesses and controls are not included. Please Email if you would like more pictures, I don't want to use up the forums bandwidth. "Happy New Year!"

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  7. Gurryman
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    Gurryman New Member

    Both engines have been SOLD.
  8. kaloz01
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    kaloz01 New Member

    Hello MihaS!
    I started the marinising the 3.0 TDI as well. It is possible to get some information, and maybe some spare parts from you?
    In the first round, i am interesting for the ECU programming. Where can i do it?

  9. Skravo
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    Skravo New Member

    Did anyone ever complete this with the VW 3.0? I'm looking to convert one from an Amarok into my boat. I'm thinking standalone aftermarket ecu, heat exchanger and just have to mate it up to a duoprop leg.
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