Versilcraft / C.L.M. Studio Tecnico Navale, where are they now?

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by MarkOHara, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. MarkOHara
    Joined: Oct 2021
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    We have a Versilcraft in for repair and in need of a full propeller, shaft, bearing and seal replacement and I am hunting down the exact technical specifications. Only problem is both Versilcraft and C.L.M. have little to no presence online. Are they still in operation? We have drawings for the shafts in Italian but that's about it. The existing props, bearings and seals have no branding, stamps or part numbers.
    Does anyone have a better idea as to how I can hunt all of this down?

    Many thanks!
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    You could also try asking on the YBW Motor Boat Forum - Motor Boat Forum
    There are some very knowledgeable posters on there with considerable experience of Italian boats, including folk like :
    MapisM ( ) - he is Italian, and has encyclopaedic knowledge of Italian boats.
    Vas ( ) - Vas has a wooden Mystere, which I think was built by Versilcraft - he spent about 6 years doing a total re-build of his boat.
    PowerYachtBlog ( ) - again a poster with encyclopaedic knowledge of Italian boats.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
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  3. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    The original company closed after a fire in 1990, the founder died in 2012. His son has a company named New Versilcraft, here the contact info, don't know if it's current or if they can help you:

    Shaft, bearings and seals should be standard metric stuff, if you know the shaft and housing diameter you should be able to find the right part. If not just pull the housings from the tube and replace the entire driveline with whatever you like. Since you say seals I presume you are talking about an oil filled shaft tube.
    A propeller shop should be able to measure the existing prop and offer you a replacement.
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  4. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Thanks for the recommendation! I'll try that!
  5. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    I have looked into the New Versilcraft and there is not much there either.

    With regards to you recommendation, many thanks, it has been considered and that is a "Plan B", we could easily drop a shaft and reverse engineer everything but that will also involve another expensive dry-docking a cost we're trying to avoid if we can.

  6. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Have a diver measure the prop in the water. He needs a perpendicular reference plane, so you make a wood disk that can be clamped to the shaft behind or in front of the prop hub. On this he then screws premade right angle wood brackets around the blade perimeter, and scores the height with a knife following the blade. The disk is then unscrewed from the shaft and you can measure the pitch on land.
    You can have two different divers doing it and compare the results, then check them against the theoretical calculations for that hull and engine.

    Shaft, bearings and seals you can measure from inside the boat, but the plan should be for at least two days on land to account for unexpected things like a worn bearing housing. Asuming you have access to good suppliers one day should be enough to find and buy the right pieces. If the suppliers don't have a big stock you should plan for that, order the bearings and seals directly with housings and be prepared to install them if needed.
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