Using win 10

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by tom kane, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Has anyone found a reliable antyspyware/addware remover for win 10.

    I have been trying SUPERantyspyware and have done 5 consecutive scans and not being connected to the internet but it always come up with hundreds of potential threats despite the software confirming they have been removed.
    Does anyone check to see if their software really does do what it claims.
  2. PAR
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    I got the Win 10 download the morning it was released and removed it after a few hours of testing on my end. Software conflicts, no speed or memory enhancements, etc., so I'll let everyone else "debug" this puppy, before I install it again.

    Tom, I'd recommend "StopZilla" as capable, if initially time consuming during the first scan. I'd also recommend you use a real "uninstaller" such as Revo, as you likely have remaining registry elements, that are leaving "traces" your removal software hasn't removed, so it shows up as still being there, when in fact most of it is removed. A product like Revo Uninstaller will get these remaining registry entries.
  3. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Thank`s par, I am having the same problems you mention on one of my computers.
    Otherwise my wife (that`s important) and I quite like it.
    How did you remove it briefly,you can not after one month.
  4. PAR
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    Open the start menu and select "settings". Click the "update & security" icon and select "Recovery". You should see a "Go back to Windows 7" or "Go back to Windows 8.1" option. Click the "Get Started" button to get rid of your Windows 10 install and restore your previous Windows install.
  5. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Go back to Windows 8.1 Says. This option is only available for one month after you upgrade to windows 10.
    Clicking get started says you can not go back the files we need have been removed from this pc. Wonderful wonderful Microsoft.
    There must be millions of people using win 10 with out troubles and I am not unhappy about having another experience with another operating system so i will persevere it`s all entertaining.
  6. PAR
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    It's unlikely the files are deleted, just the pathways, which can be fixed. I deleted Win 10 right away, so didn't run into this. Try a search, I'll bet someone has already figured out a workaround and has posted it.
  7. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I am using win 10 computer now and its OK just by shifting to a different location.Funny that, now I have to work out what the problem was.
    There are so many work arounds for just about any situation and plenty about win 10 which I am starting to like. Lots of fun if you have the time.
  8. Ilan Voyager
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    Ilan Voyager Senior Member

    I'm like PAR I'll see Windows 10 into one year after most of the bugs will be fixed. Unhappily I need a Windows OS only for my tax declarations, so I keep it very minimal.
    I have no time to spend on any OS, so I need a robust configuration with no problems of virus, antivirus, register, and so on. Coming from UNIX, naturally I went to Linux long time ago, I do not need Microsoft watching me, we have already others. I'm the happy user of a Mint 17.
  9. PAR
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    I'm in the same boat, I need a stable OS and not getting the latest and greatest has been a mantra for a couple decades now. I learned the hard way and now insure the newest software, is well debugged and that I have a real benefit from its installation. Win 10 doesn't offer anything I don't currently have. Some slight memory allocation improvements, but nothing significant, no speed improvements, etc., so it's not worth the reconfiguration time and adjustments to make older software compatible.
  10. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I totally agree with you I love that linux and yes I have to put up with windows.
    I have a win 10 reinstall disk so maybe I can just reinstall it when ever I want,it probably will take hours where linux just 20 minutes.
  11. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Justifiable reasons to forget win 10 for a while, I will keep helping Microsoft improve their product for the benefit of others.
  12. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Same here, Paul.
    I bought a computer last week. I stuck with Win7 and I was back to work within
    2 hours, including downloading all the updates I needed.
  13. PAR
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    I have some pretty old software packages, that the newer versions of Windows doesn't work well with, so rather than emulate a previous version, I'll stick with 7, until a significant OS is introduced, debugged and I can justify the change.
  14. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    My quickest and easiest to use computer at the moment is an old 2.40G desktop with XP operating system and it runs my older software great, starts up and shuts down in seconds.
    There is no real bother moving between computers but all the cables brown me of.
    All the 5 different OS slow you down some what but it is a memory exercise for old folk anyway.I do not have access to commercial computers and software anymore.
    It took ages to reinstall the XP OS and getting it running well.

  15. PAR
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    I stuck with XP for a long time, because it was stable, which is key. I got into computers pretty early in the game. My first machine was a 286-16 with a huge 5 meg hard drive and I think a half a meg of RAM, which I figured I couldn't ever fill with data. Well sure enough 8 month later the drive was 80% full and had several read errors, so I moved to a 386-20 with a God awfully huge 20 meg hard drive and a full meg of RAM. I was in heaven, but the internet was coming. The last of the "AT" machines was a 486-33 and the first machine I got online with. My first test was to download a new hard drive BIOS, so I could use a drive larger than my computer recognized as possible. Back then, software upgrades were simply a necessary evil, as it all sucked pretty bad, so you needed the stability and convenience of the newest stuff.

    This was before they released packages, before they were ready, sorting out the issues after they'd started to recover development costs. I even Beta tested Win 3.01A and still have the 3.5" floppies around here some place. I was supposed to send them back, but never did. Shortly after, most packages released, not fully debugged and I got caught up in it, with many a nightmare over corrupt software that I was trying to fix and owning a hex text editor, was mandatory (XTree Gold Pro rules!). Now, any package, especially OS will need some "time trials" before I'll sign on and it'll need to be an improvement, across several areas, before I make a move. I've maintained a nice stable system for many years, across a few platforms and never again will I get caught in the new lastest and greatest of anything.
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