Salus Browser Hijacker addware. Security.

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by tom kane, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Has anyone solved problems with Salus browser hijacker addware and similar.
    I have never had problems with such things until upgrading to Windows 8.1
    I keep on deleting Salus and it it not showing up in programs and features but it is still installed somewhere on my computer and attempts to over run firefox.
    Many of the pop up pages have suggestions that it is from Mozilla fire Fox.
  2. Kailani
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  3. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Thank`s Kailani, I can reinstall from the D drive but unlike Linux (which I love) Windows is not fun to clean install back to factory settings and can be time consuming ( I have done quite a few) .
    That will be a last resort as the browser hijacker Salus (which I UN-installed ) can be easily stopped and is not a real problem but just because it is there and comes up occasionally getting rid of it and finding out more about it is an experience.

    I am not satisfied that the free software to remove these problems which can be more trouble than the original addware. There is plenty of these fixes but some are pretty useless and may even carry more addware. I have 41 programs installed which are genuine. There must be some way to find where it`s coming from.
  4. Kailani
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  5. Kailani
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    Kailani Senior Member

    Were any of the 41 programs installed recently?

    Did you manually eliminate any or all of these that appeared since the problem?
    C:\Program Files\<random>
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>" = "%AppData%\<random>.exe"
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>" = "%AppData%\<random>.exe"
    It's easy to go too quick search the name of a program and end up not at the official webpage and get an installer that installs junk with it.

    After you removed the browser junk you must still have something behind, a running process or boot process or some system file has been modified so it comes back :(

    Manually removing windows malware is time consuming and hit and miss most of the time. That's why the guides show three different ways to try and do it :(

    In a few hours you can reinstall windows and install programs a dozen at a time to pinpoint. Download new 100% clean installers for anything you've installed in the last 6 months when you can.
  6. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Thank`s for all of that will take a bit of time to study it all.

    I don`t like to say this but often when I connect to green type shows up where pop ups appear and all hell broke loose with all sorts of offers and tabs and banners with advertising opening that has abated now.
    My computer appears to be completely clean according to avast software and others.
    I belong to our local computer club where there is all sorts of differing advice and opinions. Thank`s and I will keep on searching.
    When checking out Salus computer said it was installed on a date when I had not even purchased the computer.

    I spoke too soon a banner came up saying my browser was out of date and advised to download update. Audio advertising came on telling me how to become rich .
    Most of the banners claim association to Mozilla and it looks like firefox updates

    After just logging of from I checked and Salus had been reinstalled on my computer.I have just un-installed it. Pretty persistent.
    No sign of salus on at the moment.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  7. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    I use Nod32. Try it
    Avast is ok when there is no problem. No luck with it on a computer that's badly infected. is also good for removing some smaller unwanted things. I've used that since windows vista.

    My friend's father swears by SpyHunter and that says it removes salus with the paid version

    Trying manually you are probably leaving some parts behind.

    I remembered in January you said
    I'd uninstall Avast and anything installed at that time and install NOD32. What if someone uploaded a bad installer for avast to cnet and you got that and installed the salus backdoor when you thought you were installing avast.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2015
  8. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    The first thing I did when the trouble started and I was told that my computer was going to crash..and it slowed down, I UN-installed avast and everything I could find,about 6 unwanted programs, when I UN-instaled Salos it did not seem to complete the UN-instal.
    The computer came with Windows Defender which does scan but comes up with a clean slate. Windows Firewall is on.
    Norton Security came with the computer too but That was just a free trial version.
    I have tried SuperSpyRemover but that just scanned and also was a trial version.
    I do not want to buy software that is of no use so I will just have to be patient and keep trying. there are plenty of suggestions and everyone has a different solution. We have tried lavasoft free version but found it wanting. they do say these free versions just do only a basic scan with limited features so can not be judged on that basis. I can quickly stop the addware so it is only an irritation. I will get the bugger and it is just another experience.
  9. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I used AdwCleaner to clear salus from my computer so far OK I hope it stays that way.
  10. Kailani
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    Kailani Senior Member

    Make sure you run the other steps in the guide too at the same time. Googling AdwCleaner Salus removal all the different guides in the top 10 include Adwcleander as only one of the 3-4 steps that need to be combined.

  11. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Thank`s Kailani I am working my way through it have got another computer XP OS with CinemaP-1.3.cVo8.12 to fix too. I will have to print out can`t remember all instructions oh dear me such trials.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
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