Sail plan

Discussion in 'Wiki Archive' started by RHough, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. RHough
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    RHough Retro Dude

    Discussion thread for Sail plan. If you would like to add a comment, click the New Reply button
  2. yipster
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    yipster designer

    see i started that ( with only a link ) but it is thanks to Jeff's work how it looks now
    perhaps good to add kites, solid wings, tips, slot effects, arelons...
  3. RHough
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    RHough Retro Dude

    I thought the Wiki was very well done. I clicked on the discussion tab to see if there was any ... and it looks like I started a thread. :)

    It is too bad that the age of commercial sail was over before the advent of stainless steel rigging, Dacron, and GRP hulls. I wonder how working Sail Plans would have evolved using modern materials and not effected by racing rating rules?
  4. yipster
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    yipster designer

    more to study and cfd

    ah, so thats how it works and i share the wondering

    like to mention the good sail airodynamics thread here
    and find lots of controverse on the slot effect in sails
    yet also that even old dutch windmills seem to have used the effect
    biplanes should get better constant lift from it and discovery's
    "wind driven" tells square rigging slots works just as well vertical
    dont know but to mention plain, split, slotted or fowler flaps

    edit: ah, so thats how it works II
    another arvel gentry document on foils including bathtub flow expiriments Review of Modern Sail Theory.pdf
    a wise man once told me the more you learn the better you realise how little you know
    so here i am with a pile of books from the technical library
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2007
  5. safewalrus
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    safewalrus Ancient Marriner

    Yeah not bad, but considering that this is supposed to be some of the more knowledgable people in the game not good either. for example no mention of moonrakers or stargrazers, OK we could go on for ages I know but is this going to be the definate article or just somebodies mindless ramblings? (standing by for incoming on that!!)
  6. safewalrus
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    safewalrus Ancient Marriner

    Rhough - I'd argue against stainless rigging and GRP hulls in a commercial environment - weak flimsy and expensive, prone to failure at the wrong times too!! Like epoxy paint - lovely stuff but needs ideal conditions to apply - how often (in the commercial environment) can you hang around for days not making any money waiting for the ideal conditions to apply a lick of paint? Never!! so it's no bloody use is it? This is from sound commercial experience I can assure you!
  7. yipster
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    yipster designer

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  8. yipster
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    yipster designer

  9. lilies34
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  10. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    I've started breaking the "sail plan" article off into more detailed articles for the more common of the sail plans mentioned. Will look into getting some templates set up to make it easier to add stuff.

    Don't forget to browse the wiki and start adding your knowledge.... ;)
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  11. yipster
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    yipster designer

    good work Matt, searching for my reps i came into this desolated wiki again
    and if you dont mind like to add the not so common crab claw / delta wing
    no, its not the aspect ratio but vortex lift that keeps loading at higher speeds
    AR however... well, a pointed mast/sail does have a longer leading edge rite and
    maybe it can have a faforable leading edge rotation, any reasearch known?
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