Redesigning the windshield incorporating bow access door

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by the brain, May 27, 2024.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Redesigning the windshield incorporating bow access

    previous plans where duplicating the lifeproof vessels double hatch windshield and roof this plan isn't ruled out.
    lifeboat hatch.jpg
    This mite be the best plan I’ve come up w/.
    best plan.jpg door veiw.jpg lower door veiw.jpg

    Removing lower bow deck an relocating to roof basicly Extending the roof .

    extending roof w lower bow deck.jpg

    Then have just one door hatch.

    remember there is a wooden bulkhead inside the bow level deck.
    bow bulkhead at lower deck.jpg

    my vessel is the older white one.

    objective to have easy access to bow, have a escape hatch I can fit though.
    what I'm reduced to is walk out the cabin, climb on slippery gunnal, hang onto the roof railing to get to bow, in ruff conditions it can get sketchie.
    the bonus is more cabin space where I'll probably slide rear enclosure in a bit for increased deck space (buts thats secondarythe hatch has priority).

    reducing wind resistanse trailering would easier venting out the back.
    What do you Guys think of my new plan? constructive criticizeuim is welcomed Thanks
  2. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    nobody likes my new plan?
  3. comfisherman
    Joined: Apr 2009
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Figure out the cutout size you need for acess. Did enough particle board and 2x4 mock ups to realize I didn't need a double hinge like the diamond seaglaze on the blue boat. If you fit through the hatch with the angle it's not terrible hard to make a swing out door. Although solid hardware for the last dogs is a little harder since the Advantec merged half the door companies together.

    Double hinge has a lot of opportunity to leak on a bow install.
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