Questions about designing a dinghy mast

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Noah Stone, Oct 29, 2023.


  1. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    It can be a lot faster to pick up a section of mast and try it in order to get a baseline to work from than it is to begin from a clean sheet.People with considerable experience of a boat type can make a good estimate of the loads that will be imposed and the sail shape that will be effective.With this in mind it is easier for them to arrive at a rig that is close to optimal.Altering a carbon mast is not as simple as altering a wooden mast and given the fatigue life of some forms of carbon,might never really be effective.A deep understanding of material science lies behind most high performance rigs and can only be deployed if a reasonably accurate estimate of the load conditions and deflection are available.
    Noah Stone likes this.
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