Propeller Puller

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Ruffner Sedurifa, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Ruffner Sedurifa
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    Ruffner Sedurifa Junior Member

    Hi all I am new here. I worked in a midsize shipyard and I am actually thinking of some ways to improve our efficiency and lost time in pulling propeller. Does anyone of you have an idea on how to make a DIY propeller puller? for larger propeller of course, We will have it fabricated for our yard. Any photos or sketch will do. I am thinking of a hydraulic system. I am still in brainstorming stage.. It will be like the Syncholift attached in this thread...but that was expensive.

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  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Do you need to remove the propeller from the shaft or install a propeller/ half shaft to a ship?
  3. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Just go ahead and buy/make a set of Pilgrim Nuts. Much safer, and less expensive, for everyone and everything.

    Edit; now looking at the picture, are you talking about a rigging frame for an intergrated CPP and tail shaft?
  4. Ruffner Sedurifa
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    Ruffner Sedurifa Junior Member

    Yes Rigging Frame. Pilgrim was already considered thank you
  5. Ruffner Sedurifa
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    Ruffner Sedurifa Junior Member

    install and remove
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Are you installing and removing a propeller from the shaft or the propeller/shaft assembly?
  7. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Are you going to be doing this a lot? Standardized vessels? Normally, if the tail shaft needs to be removed with the hub, the constructor will leave the rigging pads in place under the counter. The blades are removed and the tail shaft is drawn in the standard method with parrel slings. The issues with a fixture is that it needs to move along the shaft line to prevent scoring the stern tube bearing. Specialty vessels, (with many in a class and maintained by specific yards if you get my drift), may have a specially constructed cradle track for the shaft with rigging points attached that is cribbed into place along the shaft line.
    FWIW, the picture you show looks like something to present the tail shaft to the stern tube, not actually insert or draw it.

    Edit: stern tube for tail stock <shrug>
  8. Ruffner Sedurifa
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    Ruffner Sedurifa Junior Member

    Yes, we are a ship repair company
    It actually pulls and insert the propeller :
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You still haven't answer the question on whether you are installing the propeller alone or an assembly.
  10. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Actually, it really didn't do anything.. Note the guy in orange with the TTS logo on his back...and the lack of video when all the real rigging goes on. Sure, it works when the shaft line is identical with the drydock floor. Just make sure that you block the vessel that way.
    FWIW, I spent the last few years of my career as the manager of our rigging section, I notice a few things here that would raise flags.

  11. Ruffner Sedurifa
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    Ruffner Sedurifa Junior Member

    really? ok...
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