Propeller Hub question

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by mlopez0519, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. mlopez0519
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    How do I know if I have a spun propeller hub and what are the symptoms? How do I know what propeller hub to purchase if it is needed to be replaced? Can someone please give me some insight on this? Thanks!
  2. mlopez0519
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

  3. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    When you try and get on plane the engine will rev up without producing the thrust to do it. A spun hub will usually still work at no-wake speeds.
    Did you run aground or get a line tangled around it?

    You can tilt up the drive, remove the prop nut, and look to see if the hub looks twisted or melted. Still in doubt -- mark or file a small line on the inner and outer hub, put the prop nut back on and know for sure after a minute's ride.
  4. mlopez0519
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    FMS that's exactly what it's doing! How do I purchase the correct hub?
  5. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    Do you have a local prop shop? The hub is pressed in with a hydraulic press and they probably already have mercury or other common hubs on hand to replace yours.

    You can search ebay or google for your propeller model "prop hub kit" and the cost for the hub kit is between $25 and $50.

    Here is how it's pressed in
  6. mlopez0519
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    I purchased the boat used and really don't know the prop model. Should I take it off and take it to a marine shop then?
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    "The motor races without any increase in boat speed, this can happen intermittently, especially when accelerating. You may need to have it re-bushed, not an overly expensive job at a workshop."

    (from other thread)

  8. mlopez0519
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    Ok thanks! I'll check it out
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