Opt22 controller code for sending engine parameters to MFD (works on Raymarine )

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by GB424, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. GB424
    Joined: Jan 2024
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    GB424 New Member

    Posting some code that might be useful for anyone using Opt22 products that want to interface with MFD's via N2K. I'm using an Opto22 Ultimate I/O with analog and discrete modules to monitor my engine sensors. This uses the serial port on the controller and a cheap import serial to CAN converter. You could instead by an expensive CAN module from OPTO22 for more capabilities.

    // comm opened in set up block, 9600, n, 8, 1
    // no flow control
    // set port to no PPP in ioManager

    // pin 1 of UIO is TD, connect to DB9 pin 2 of computer or 3 of CAN converter
    // pin 2 of UIO is RD, connect to DB9 pin 3 of computer or 2 of CAN
    // pin 3 of UIO is GND, connect to DB9 pin 5

    if (IsCommunicationOpen( nmea_serial)) then
    i_nmea_seq = i_nmea_seq +1 ;
    if (i_nmea_seq == 15) then //
    i_nmea_seq = 0 ;

    // CAN Header is 29 bits:
    // 000 is highest priority +
    // PGN 127489 engine parameters dynamic = 0x1F201 +
    // 8 bit source ID

    // 0x01F20100 CAN ID is added by the rs232 to CAN converter
    // use WS_CAN_TOOL software or software for specific device for config of the device
    // Jumper RS to CAN_L. VCC not required on bus
    // total data bytes = 26 requiring (4) 64-bit data frames
    // fast packet 1 starts with sequence counter (4 bits), then frame counter (4 bits)
    // followed by total number of expected frames (8 bits)
    // Additional packets start with sequence counter and frame counter
    // CAN/NMEA 2000 sends in little endian. OPTO serial sends LSB first.

    // build port engine data

    i_nmea_data[0] = (i_nmea_seq << 4) +

    // ( 0i64 ) + // packet 0

    (26i64 << 8) + // 26 data byte total

    // (0i64 << 16) + // engine instance

    ((i_nmea_units_long[0] bitand 0x000000FF) << 24) + // oil press lower byte

    ((i_nmea_units_long[0] bitand 0x0000FF00) << 24) + // oil press

    ((i_nmea_units_long[1] bitand 0x000000FF) << 40) + // trans oil temp lower byte

    ((i_nmea_units_long[1] bitand 0x0000FF00) << 40) + // trans oil temp

    ((i_nmea_units_long[2] bitand 0x000000FF) << 56 ) ; // eng coolant temp lower byte

    i_nmea_data[1] = (i_nmea_seq << 4 ) +

    ( 1i64 ) + // packet 1

    ((i_nmea_units_long[2] bitand 0x0000FF00) ) + // eng coolant temp upper byte

    (( p_instr_V bitand 0x0000FFFF) << 16) ; // ALT volts x100

    i_nmea_data[2] = (i_nmea_seq << 4) +

    ( 2i64 ) + // packet 3

    ( 15i64 << 32 ) ; // nmea field 10 reserved F

    i_nmea_data[3] = (i_nmea_seq << 4) +

    ( 3i64 ) + // packet 4

    (( P_limit_alarm_flag bitand 0x00000001) << 24) ; // Field12 bit0 Warning Level1

    if( p_temp_alarm_flag ) then

    i_nmea_data[3] = i_nmea_data[3] + (1i64 << 9) ; // Field11 Bit1 Over Temp


    if (p_pres_alarm_flag ) then

    i_nmea_data[3] = i_nmea_data[3] + (1i64 << 10) ; // Field11 Bit2 Low Pres


    // Send port data

    comm_status = TransmitNumTable(4, 0, i_nmea_data, nmea_serial ) ;

    comm_status = TransmitNewline( nmea_serial );

    // build starboard engine data

    i_nmea_data[4] = (i_nmea_seq << 4) +

    // ( 0i64 ) + // packet 0

    (26i64 << 8) + // 26 data byte total

    (1i64 << 16) + // engine instance

    ((i_nmea_units_long[3] bitand 0x000000FF) << 24) + // oil press lower byte

    ((i_nmea_units_long[3] bitand 0x0000FF00) << 24) + // oil press

    ((i_nmea_units_long[4] bitand 0x000000FF) << 40) + // trans oil temp lower byte

    ((i_nmea_units_long[4] bitand 0x0000FF00) << 40) + // trans oil temp

    ((i_nmea_units_long[5] bitand 0x000000FF) << 56 ) ; // eng coolant temp lower byte

    i_nmea_data[5] = (i_nmea_seq << 4 ) +

    ( 1i64 ) + // packet 1

    ((i_nmea_units_long[5] bitand 0x0000FF00) ) + // eng coolant temp upper byte

    (( s_instr_V bitand 0x0000FFFF) << 16) ; // ALT volts x100

    i_nmea_data[6] = (i_nmea_seq << 4) +

    ( 2i64 ) + // packet 3

    ( 15i64 << 32 ) ; // nmea field10 reserved F

    i_nmea_data[7] = (i_nmea_seq << 4) +

    ( 3i64 ) + // packet 4

    (( s_limit_alarm_flag bitand 0x00000001) << 24) ; // Field12 bit0 Warning L1

    if( s_temp_alarm_flag ) then

    i_nmea_data[7] = i_nmea_data[7] + (1i64 << 9) ; // Field11 Bit1 Over Temp


    if (s_pres_alarm_flag ) then

    i_nmea_data[7] = i_nmea_data[7] + (1i64 << 10) ; // Field11 Bit2 Low Pres


    // Send starboard data

    comm_status = TransmitNumTable(4, 4, i_nmea_data, nmea_serial ) ;

    comm_status = TransmitNewline( nmea_serial );

    endif // comm open

    DelayMSec(950) ;

    OptoScript Block: Convert Data Units (Id: 1)

    Exit to: Build CAN packets (Id: 3)

    // pressure in 100 Pa

    i_nmea_units[0] = p_pres_corr * 68.9476 ;

    // Oil Temp in K k=(y °F - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15

    i_nmea_units[1] = ((p_ttemp_corr - 32 ) * 5/9 + 273.15 ) * 10 ; // 1.0 K

    // Engine Temp in K

    i_nmea_units[2] = ((p_etemp_corr - 32 ) * 5/9 + 273.15 ) * 100 ; // 0.1 K

    i_nmea_units_long[0] = MakeInt64(0, i_nmea_units[0]);

    i_nmea_units_long[1] = MakeInt64(0, i_nmea_units[1]);

    i_nmea_units_long[2] = MakeInt64(0, i_nmea_units[2]);

    p_instr_V = Truncate (Port_Instr_V_AD3 * 100 ) ; // Alt Volt x 100

    // pressure in 100 Pa

    i_nmea_units[3] = s_pres_corr * 68.9476 ;

    // Oil Temp in K k=(y °F - 32) x 5/9 + 273.15

    i_nmea_units[4] = ((s_ttemp_corr - 32 ) * 5/9 + 273.15 ) * 10 ;

    // Engine Temp in K

    i_nmea_units[5] = ((s_etemp_corr - 32 ) * 5/9 + 273.15 ) * 100 ;

    i_nmea_units_long[3] = MakeInt64(0, i_nmea_units[3]);

    i_nmea_units_long[4] = MakeInt64(0, i_nmea_units[4]);

    i_nmea_units_long[5] = MakeInt64(0, i_nmea_units[5]);

    s_instr_V = Truncate (Star_Intr_V_AD3 * 100 ) ; // Alt Volt x 100
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