Nouveau Trimaran Wapa 35 R3

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by philippe p, Nov 9, 2024.

  1. philippe p
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    philippe p Junior Member

    Philippe RIVIERE, presents the WAPA 35 R3: a fake 35 feet since with its skirt it should measure a little over 37 feet; but for the rest: floats, width and sail area corresponding well to a cruising tri of 35 feet.
    It is all CP-glass-epoxy with carbon reinforcements. The fins are on the floats (as with all WAPAs) to free up the volume of the central hull.
    The major advantage of this little tri is its cockpit which benefits beyond the width of the rear arm.
    The central hull, for its part, is relatively large, allowing the installation of two very beautiful double berths with advantageous dimensions (140 x 200 and 150 x 200), a comfortable saloon equipped with a longitudinal kitchen and a navigation corner; finally a small bathroom with WC completes the comfort elements of this small trimaran which should prove very pleasant to helm from its offset helm seats.
    A motor integrated into the Lombardini LDW 702 M shaft (or any other equivalent) should efficiently ensure port inputs and outputs as well as battery charging. Control of this trimaran is provided by two rudders - one on each float -, plus a small rudder on the central hull behind the propeller, to ensure better control of the engine.

    To contact Philippe RIVIERE, the architect:

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    CT249 and Alan Cattelliot like this.
  2. philippe p
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    philippe p Junior Member

    The views of the interior of the trimaran show:
    - An aft cabin with a large double berth measuring 150 x 200, access to which is greatly facilitated by an open partition (a zippered curtain provides a little privacy) – height above the berth: 87 cm.
    - A damp airlock at the foot of the companionway, before the saloon, deliberately left empty but convertible according to the client's wishes with a wardrobe for oilskins, a watch seat, etc.
    - The saloon with, on the port side, a 200 cm long U-shaped bench with its table mounted on a sliding leg to provide additional bedding and, on the starboard side, a 60 x 50 chart table and a long galley 150 x 50 – chests under benches and cupboards under kitchen cabinet and TAC – headroom in the saloon 195 cm.
    - Forward of the saloon, on the port side a small bathroom with WC of approximately 95 x 120.
    - Forward cabin with berth of 138 (head) x 200, easy access thanks to a clearance of 600 cm between the berth and the bathroom partition – height above the berth: 92 cm – large lockers under the berth.
  3. Alan Cattelliot
    Joined: Jul 2021
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    Alan Cattelliot Senior Member

    Nice touch.
    Need a EC certification for your boat ? As representative of a notified body, and also a multihull´s lover, it would be a pleasure to help the boatyard go through this administrative procedure. Feel free to contact me via this website, or via the website
  4. Hiro Chen
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    Hiro Chen New Member

    My opinion,perhaps the caneobodies should be a little shorter than main hull body. The top view looks like a pentagonal profile. The connectors will be under a lower stress
  5. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Hi, i do not support boat builders exploitation and rather collective self building, otherwise shuttelworth articles about multihulls capsizing safety are good to read

    I don't like multihulls after watching some getting easily shredded on rocks when running aground, so i think they are dangerous besides the capsize risk
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
  6. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    This is the last shuttleworth design, a 42 trimaran

    And Grainger tr42

    I like wooden trimaran barracuda

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2024

  7. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    Have you thought about monohull to trimaran conversions??? There are plenty of monohulls in france that can be converted to modern trimarans just making hull redesign, check Eric Sponberg article in professionalboatbuilder magazine "case of redesign" and you can remove keel, modify the hull and adding akas and amas

    I think a multihull should be able to be dismantled both in case of capsizing to upright all beams separately, and also in case of going to the rocks, to avoid shredding and total breakage that usually happens with multihulls when running aground rocks

    The problem with the Grainger and shuttleworth design is stern shapes of the hull, they can create reverse pitchpolling and maybe thats the only problem they have

    This is a extreme case of wrong stern design that would exacerbate a reverse pitchpolling scenario

    On the other hand wave and wind capsizing is mostly a problem created by big span monomasts so a trimaran with 3 or four small masts wouldn't have that problem just as bellow

    In shuttleworth design the wavepiercing bows are meant to reduce fluttering that can break the bow in storms while the amas are thick and round in the middle to give plenty of buoyancy to avoid wind or wave capsizing
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2024
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