Newby complete re-gelcoat of inner and outer hull. Questions:

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Jaymanutah, Aug 24, 2023.

  1. Jaymanutah
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    Jaymanutah New Member

    I think I've read thousands of posts on gelcoat. This site has been the most helpful. I'm resorting my 86 boston whaler.
    I'm planning on shooting the outer hull all in one day. My goal is to get about 30 mil on so I can wetsand and buff to a gloss. I was going to try Duratec clear to aid in sprayability.

    Can I shoot multiple passes of waxed gelcoat mixed with Duratec all in one session?
    If I shoot multiple passes to achieve 30 mil will the wax from each pass migrate to the final surface so that it can be buffed out?

    Duratec recommends adding wax to gelcoat if using below waterline.
    I'm sure I have more questions to come. Thanks.
  2. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Only wax the final pass. Trapped wax is problematic.
  3. Jaymanutah
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    Jaymanutah New Member

    What is more reliable fir the DIY: Wax in final gelcoat pass or Spray unwaxed gelcoat with PVA? I have both available. Thanks.
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    In this situation you don't need wax at all, that is if you are mixing the Duratec at a 50:50 blend. But if you do add wax, only add it to the last layer. It will cure tack free with a high gloss if you just use the Duratec. The wax will create a non gloss surface and you'll be able to sand it sooner, so either way works.

    Sand the hull with 80 grit and fix all damaged areas first.

  5. Jaymanutah
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    Jaymanutah New Member

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