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New carbon wing mast(15.3m) for sale

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by RomanV, Nov 24, 2024.

  1. RomanV
    Joined: Nov 2024
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    Location: Estonia

    RomanV New Member

    Brand new carbon wing mast made by C-Tech(New Zealand).

    This spar was designed specially for racing /fast cruising . Its single spreader , double diamond very low wind drag and very stiff mast. Spreader is made wider for possibility to use thinner diamond wires(less wind drag and stiffer spar). Mast is made in 2 sections, connecting sleeve at spreader and have huge max righting moment up to 9100kgm, so it can be used by monohull and
    racing multihull sailboats. Of course it can be used for cruising boats as well. Mast is prepared for singlehanded sailing-racing as it have jib sheet block in the mast for self-tacking jib setup, if needed.
    15.3m Tapered section (260x118 mm) with reinforced back side for sail track(antal 22mm, Ronstan, Harken etc) , Section weight 67kg, Supplied 2 piece, sleeve at Spreader.

    Includes: Carbon Mast head, 2:1 main halyard sheave,
    Mast reinforced to accept Halyard Locks
    2pcs Constrictor Clutch mounted external
    All stay and Diamonds Lashing Tangs Supplied Fitted
    Carbon Mast Rotator (Pivotting)
    Spreaders and diamond attachment point
    Carbon Gooseneck and Alloy Toggle
    Mast Base Tube to accept Towbar Ball (suitable to lower mast)
    Jib Sheet Block.
    Eye at 2200(for raising and lowering the mast).

    Mast is unfinished and not painted. It can be done after You decided Your final mast layout.

    This is very unique offering. You can get very high end mast, yet can be fitted to Your exact needs
    with discount price. Full docs(AES and C-Tech docs) .
    Asking price € 27 000 EXW Harjumaa Estonia.
    Yes i taking a loss for this price but my loss is Your win.

    Docs and fresh photos will be sent at request.


    Attached Files:

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