new Boat Design Wiki (beta)

Discussion in 'Wiki Archive' started by Jeff, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    A new Boat Design & Boat Building Wiki is currently in the beta phase.

    The idea of this "wiki" is to provide a collaborative knowledgebase relating to boat design and boat building. The Forums will of course remain the key location for active discussion, but the Boat Design Wiki will hopefully complement the forums by providing a collaborative article database where members can work together to create an organized source of articles by topic. Major concepts and interesting topics that develop over time in the forum can be summarized in the Wiki to provide new members and existing membera alike a nice reference of categorized information.

    The Boat Design Wiki will be built on MediaWiki software. It's a bit different than the forum software, but fairly easy to get the hang of the syntax with a few minutes working with it. All members (with more than 5 posts on the public forums here) are welcome and invited to give the software a spin and we would of course be greatful if you can help get the Boat Design Wiki started by adding a topic or two.

    As we are testing things out, if you encounter a bug, issue, or have any questions, please start a new thread in this forum so I can investigate. Many thanks in advance.
  2. yipster
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    yipster designer

    takes me a few more minutes to get the hang
    a forum search gives me sometimes no results
    Boat Design Wiki seems to do better on first sight
    bringing relevant treaths up but isnt like wikipedia
    please elaborate the working a bit more and/or
    i check it out better later, really good idea tho !
  3. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    Actually, the idea is very much like wikipedia -- a smaller, focused boat design wiki to be created and categorized by the members of the forum community here. It certainly will be no small effort to create, but hopefully will become a nice source of information over time. Possibly calling it "beta" is jumping the gun a bit, as what exists now is potential to create something and the mediawiki software up and running with the shared login/password database with the forum... the content will be the beautiful part, and we need some brave members to start adding some topic pages to the wiki to get things going :)
  4. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    I don't find anything, but I suppose that's because nothing has been entered. It's kind of neat, a vast, uncharted www sea. I think a nautical and/or marine related terms/dictionary would be good, but I guess that's what the whole thing would eventually be. Did Wikipedia start from 'nothing' or was it jump started from some sort of basic database? Well, I just read about it on Wikipedia itself...
    Since they both run on MediaWiki software, could any marine/nautical postings on Wikipedia be transferred to Boat Design Wiki, or would that be 'illegale'?
  5. Robert Gainer
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    Robert Gainer Designer/Builder

    OK, to get it started I added a page for displacement. Short and to the point so now you get to work and make it something worthwhile. By the way don’t laugh when you look at the page. There isn’t much I can say about the subject so its up to you guys.
    All the best,
    Robert Gainer
  6. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    I'm not entirely sure Sam, but I think with some work the community here will be able to produce better and more content focused on yacht design than what already exists there in any case.
    Thanks Robert! Very succinct ;)

    The hardest part is getting started... if every member contributes 5 pages, then we'll really have something in no time!
  7. Crag Cay
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    Crag Cay Senior Member

    I'm new to this Wiki. I thought you added extra contributions as in the forums, which were then combined by an 'editor'.

    However rather than add to Robert's displacement contribution, I seem to have over written it. Sorry.
  8. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

  9. Doug Lord

    Doug Lord Guest


    Well, I gave it a shot: a small overview of hydrofoil sailboats.....
    Great idea, Jeff.
  10. Mikey
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    Mikey Senior Member

    Great idea, just miss one thing;

    There should always be a reference link to who the poster of the information is, the hull speed page has that but the displacement one doesn't.

  11. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    Excellent point Mikey - working on it now.

    There are still some questions to be answered. For example: if one member posts an article, do we in wiki-fashion allow other members in the future to add to and edit the article as things change or new information comes forth? If so, what then happens to the byline? (obviously if small typos or one number in a formula is corrected at a later date, the byline shouldn't change, so that will all need to be worked out, but I believe that won't be a big deal using the minor edit vs. major edit. Just need to pull the info onto the article page from the history tab where the authorship is currently shown.)

    For now if you are so kind as to post an article to help get it started, please manually ad a byline at the top or signature at the bottom until we get it automated.
  12. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    Wiki for Dummies

    Righto - I've been to and fro for a couple of days now - and I'm afraid this Wiki thing (what's that stand for anyway?) has me completely bluffed.
    For those less...err... geeky (oops...did I say that out loud?...) I mean less IT competent, can we have a short "Wiki for Dummies" please...?
    I can't even find the other threads!
  13. Mikey
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    Mikey Senior Member

    I would say no, if I add an article, then I would not want others to be able to edit it. Boat design is all about compromise and the edit may very well not correspond with my opinion of what an appropriate compromise is :)

    Still, there must be a way to correct and add to articles or the article subject, either in a controlled way, or as a discussion in a thread directly linked to the article.

  14. Mikey
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    Mikey Senior Member

    Will, Wiki stands for quick in Hawaiian, and is a form of web-based collaboration tool. In other words, it is a webpage that everyone can modify and extend. Makes for quick expansion of articles as many people easily can contribute.

    I won't use Wiki in its original form, I spend some time writing before I post and I don't want others to change what I write, what is written in my name.


  15. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    Thanks Mikey (and sorry Will for not replying, was away today.)

    The Wiki concept has been around since the 90's, but I think wikipedia has really made the name and concept popular this year and last. And now a number of sites have their own smaller subject-focused wikis (simply meaning sites/software where many people can contribute and/or update)

    Mikey, one option may be to use the Protect feature. Currently I've set it so 'Senior Members' can protect and unprotect pages, but this is not quite as well implemented as it could be yet.

    It's a fundamental question. On one hand, I definitely see your point. No one wants to submit an article and then have someone else come in and edit it to change the meaning or contents of a well written piece. On the other hand, many pages may be works in progress that cannot ever be finished -- for example a wiki page listing all current surface drive models & manufacturers and some advantages/disadvantages with a paragraph or two of concise information about each, or a page on current core materials with a quick paragraph on each... as new materials or models come to market, or things are discovered, these pages might always be works in progress. So we might have to simply develop a set of rules in conjunction with protected and unprotected pages.
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