Loss of mouse function.

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by LP, Feb 6, 2012.

  1. LP
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    LP Flying Boatman

    I've recently purchased a couple of new laptops. An HP with an AMD Quad-Core and a Samsung with an i7 processor. Neither has interacted with the dual mouse button command that activates Rotation mode in Freeship's 3D window, either from the touch pad or the the mouse. I have a mouse with a scroll "button" that will activate the rotate command, but often times it is not convenient to use a mouse.

    Has anybody else experienced this and is there a solution?

    I've recently installed new CADware that utilizes the same dual mouse button push for rotation and it also is not responding. I have not found anything under mouse properties that might be an influence. My older HP functioned properly. From what I can tell, the computer is sensing both pushes, but the software is not registering the input.

    Are the new processors so fast that a dual press of the mouse buttons is not sensed?
  2. lewisboats
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    Probably not an issue...the computer is usually waiting for you 90% of the time anyways...even between double clicks. Remember...it "thinks" billions of times per second so it can take a nap between double clicks of a mouse. I'll have to download Freeship on my HP laptop and see if it likes it or not. It is probably an issue with the mouse drivers and what they are sending to Freeship. I know that years ago I had a problem with the mouse and FS and I believe I fixed it by updating my MS mouse drivers.
  3. DCockey
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    What mouse are you using, a built in touch pad or an external one? Same or different than what you used before?

    Operating system on new machine - Windows 7? Operating system on old machine?

    Processor speed has absolutely nothing to do with how quickly you have to double click.
  4. PAR
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    Check the double click speed (and other settings) on the input device. I can't believe folks still use mice . . .
  5. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    I'm a rodent a year man myself...wear em out I do.
  6. DCockey
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    Alternative - brain waves?
  7. SheetWise
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    SheetWise All Beach -- No Water.

    Control Panel > Mouse > Settings, speed, wheel function.

    Hardware > Properties > Driver ... check for updates.
  8. PAR
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    A trackball will save your wrist a lot of discomfort.
  9. LP
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    LP Flying Boatman

    Sorry, Guys. I should have got baaack on here soooner. Blast that double-clickckckck. :p

    Seriously though, I was refering to a dual button press (simultaneous depression of both the left and right mouse/touch-pad buttons). I will look into updated drivers, though.

    Paul, what's your weapon of destruction? :idea:


    Paul, your the fastest gun I know. You responded before I could finish typing my question. I've used trackballs in the past. They have their advantages. Mostly, I use the touchpad on my laptop. My old laptop's touchpad is well worn.
  10. LP
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    Old machine was Windows XP

    New machines are Windows 7.

    Using built in touch pads and USB mouse(old).
  11. LP
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    LP Flying Boatman

    I am finding that this may be a problem relating to Freeship. Anybody else seeing this with Windows 7? I did try a Windows XP emulation with Freeship, buit still no joy.
  12. PAR
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    Use a registry cleaning package and get ride of the paths, to the old drivers and avenues to FreeShip. It could be as simple as a path conflict and the machine defaulting to the previously known good path (Windows 7). Touch pad pointing devices aren't especially precise and painful if used much. I recently had to toss my MicroSoft trackball (the finest ever made) because in spite of my installing new micro switches, it had finally died. I'm using the Logitech wireless now, which isn't quite as comfortable as the MicroSoft, but it's close. I also use a digitizer pen and pad occasionally.
  13. DCockey
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    Before messing with the registry, look to see if one of the screens in mouse properties has a "software feature dependent" or similar box and check it.

    I don't think clicking both right and left button simultaneously is a standard Windows feature.

  14. PAR
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    It isn't David, but some software packages do permit it. Software button allocation can be a tricky business and often lads to conflicts if you're multitasking between programs with different features. This is the point of the registry cleaner, which will eliminate invalid pathways. I agree you shouldn't screw with the registry if you're unfamiliar with it.
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