Large hp outboard on a tri

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by Flat bottom girl, Mar 12, 2023.

  1. Flat bottom girl
    Joined: Feb 2023
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    Flat bottom girl New Member

    Next boat will be a trimaran, but wife doesnt like me yelling at her when when the perverbial hits the fan
    So, a compromise.
    Thinking of fitting a 50hp high thrust to the back of a tri.
    Issues anyone?
    That way wife doesn't have "sail" as much.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Why have you decided specifically on a trimaran - and how big will it be?
    Have you drawn up a particular statement of requirements for this next boat, and you think that a trimaran will be the best fit for your SOR?

    What sort of situation is typical with your sailing adventures for the perverbials to hit the fan?
    If you have a 50 hp high thrust O/B motor on the back of the trimaran, what are you hoping to achieve?
    Do you just want to motor everywhere at (relatively) high speed instead of putting up the sails?
    If so, and you are perhaps worried about manoeuverability, especially in tight situations (marinas?), then two smaller O/B motors spaced a reasonable distance apart would give you much better control?
    It sounds like you are the sailor, but your wife is not?
    If so, maybe the best compromise might be to get a power trimaran (or power cat) instead?
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  3. Paul Scott
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    Paul Scott Senior Member

    A little thread drift- we just went electric (40 ft uldb mono), and while speed / range can be an issue, motor sailing is very pleasant indeed. It can be slower, but so much more peaceful. We are smitten- it’s more like sailing all the time.

    Nigel Irens was messing around with an unstayed tri, pointing out that you can reef/take down the main on any point of sail, and release the sail on reaches where tris tend to get overpowered anyway. Not having foresails means you need no crew to wrassle with the things, so that might get you points with your crew.

    We’re down to an old main/no fore sails while we wait for new sails- and sailing with that one sail or motor sailing is more satisfying than we thought possible, playing wind and current, and only needing one person to handle things. Plus a tri has all that room for solar panels!

    Outboards get stolen more than you think, and they are heavy and expensive! (Where are you going to put it?)

    My $.02.;)

    (edit: have you ever motored with an outboard in 50 knots of wind? The prop leaves the water more than you think, which makes throttle control, and where you mount the motor, um, interesting.)
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
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