I can't calculate engine power requirements, can anyone help?

Discussion in 'Electric Propulsion' started by serdarbas, Sep 2, 2024.

  1. serdarbas
    Joined: Nov 2023
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    serdarbas Junior Member

    Hello; I'm building a wooden slipper launch but I'm having difficulties to select an engine power and batter size.

    - Wooden, slipperlaunch.
    -Waterline 24foot
    - Weight: 1.3 tons.
    - Capacity: 6 person
    - Hullspeed 6.6knots.
    - Desired cruising time: 2 hours at min 6 knots.

    Now this is the confusing part.

    I have two options 5kw vs 11kw engines.
    Steerable POD Archieven - Rim Drive Technology https://rimdrivetechnology.nl/product-categorie/maritime/azimuth-motors-maritime/

    And a single option for battery: 48vx200ah
    48V batteries boat - LiFePO4 48V 200Ah - Rim Drive Technology https://rimdrivetechnology.nl/product/lifepo4-48v-200ah/

    Some calculations I saw online for displacement boats around 25foot is, 5hp=6knots and 10hp=6.5 knots.
    Engines for Yachts with Displacement Hulls - Beta Marine Propulsion Engines https://betamarine.co.uk/engine-selection-for-yachts/

    Option one: 5kw engine + 1 battery:
    If we run at 80% , 144 minutes of runtime on single battery.
    Travel speed at 80% is 6.0 knots with an option to speed up to 6.2 knots.

    Option two: 2x 48v 200ah batteries with 11kw engine.
    This option is around 10.000 USD more expensive.

    Is my math correct? I tried to understand advices from this forum for similar questions but the answers and calculations were seriously rocket science for me. I don't know if 5kw engine is simply too weak for my boat or ideal? Or 11kw is overkill and waste of money..

    Thank you for your help!
  2. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Don't know.

    But if you borrow a 9.9 outboard you could see if you're happy with the performance.
    I strongly suspect you're going to want the more expensive set-up,
    especially if you have any seas or headwinds.
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  3. SolGato
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    SolGato Senior Member

    A few things.

    First, besides the difference in power the two motors also have different size “props” which can make a big difference in performance.

    Secondly, your “calculations” are based on using 100% capacity of your batteries which is not advisable.

    As BlueBell mentioned, the decision should really be based on typical environmental conditions you’ll be operating in plus having some reserve power for those occasions when it is needed.

    Based on what you have stated and not knowing all the variables, I would recommend the larger motor. With its bigger prop and 2X the power (assuming efficiency is on par with smaller motor) you will be able to operate it at a slower RPM which should result in greater efficiency (range) if the ESC is of a Pulse Width Modulating design.

    One of the most common mistakes made is rating performance of an electric motor based on its Input wattage when the Output wattage (at the prop) is what you really need to know in order to compare it to an ICE. Electric motors are rated based on input not output like an outboard motor.

    And some motor controllers are very in inefficient, while others are much better, and then some by design have a sweet spot of peak efficiency which should coincide with your target cruising speed with the rest left for reserve power.

    I did not see any documentation relating to the efficiency curve of those motors, nor any specs relating to the controllers efficiency.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2024
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  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Basically - and simplistically - you need to account for the losses in the 'whole' system.

    So, if for example, you need 5kW of power at the prop, then your outboard needs to be roughly double that i.e 10kW.
    Then the amount of losses in the electrical systems, so to give 10kW to the motor, you'll need to provide 10% more, i.e. 11kW.
    Then the amount of usable charge in the batteries, is no more than 60% of its rating, if you wish to remain within the duty cycles, thus you'll need 18-19kW batteries.
  5. dustman
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    dustman Senior Member

    In addition, if you want to maintain usable battery capacity over time you should size it accounting for battery degradation. I would size the battery to at least 120% percent of the worst case scenario, and then some. There is a lot of BS out there about electric battery/motor system performance.

    I wouldn't count on the manufacturers figures at all, or generalized powering requirements.
  6. dustman
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    dustman Senior Member

    I'm not sure I agree with this in terms of lifepo4 batteries. It is generally safe to draw/charge them almost to their limits. Just need to account for degradation and size accordingly. I'm not sure if that's what you meant.
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Each passenger plus gear and supplies is 100 Kg = 600 Kg. That leaves 700 Kg for a 24 foot boat, plus engines, batteries, anchors, etc. I don't think you can build it at that weight.
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Not according to any battery supplier we have worked with....quite the opposite.

  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The power management in Li Ion batteries will shut down the system at a fixed discharged point. That is why cordless tools will suddenly stop.
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