how many people work with dual monitors?

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by tux, Nov 17, 2002.


Does your cad system have dual monitors?

  1. I use dual monitors and love having all the space

    96 vote(s)
  2. I would prefer one even larger monitor to two monitors

    14 vote(s)
  3. Imperfect software support has kept me from getting dual monitors yet

    2 vote(s)
  4. I have no need for a second monitor - one screen is plenty

    17 vote(s)
  5. Other

    12 vote(s)
  1. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    yipster designer

    must be nice, i was always after big monitors, but rite now doing it on only 22''
    got reading glasses meanwhile and found i have to turn my head now or get better glasses
    you say a 30" has a beter viewing angle over a 28"? how do you mean?

    edit: as for the pen pad, great -but- works best on some 2d drawing progs
  2. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    The viewing angle spec never affected me with 19" or 21" monitors much, and I probably overstated it last night with the I-Inc. When I'm working on something where I have material on the side desk I'm going back and forth with or for whatever reason moving around some, I notice a color/light shift on the I-Inc that makes whites and grays get a weird color shift "sheen" if I'm to one side of center, and I see a slight color differential across the screen from the gigantic size, especially on neutral colors, but the latter isn't a problem unless you look for it or compare it side by side with another that has a wider viewing angle. For the money it's an incredible value.

    I still do have my viewsonic as a secondary monitor too (back from service.) I actually had to get the 30" one day when a partridge flew into the glass window directly behind my desk, through the glass, and directly into the old monitor! I bet service doesn't see that issue too often. But thanks to the bird for a good excuse to upgrade. Going to 30" is probably the first time I've really used "windows" as fluid "windows" floating under/over/beside/etc. With smaller I would mostly have the main program maximized with tool palettes on the secondary, but I was really clicking between programs always before.
  3. BTPost
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    BTPost Junior Member

    I have run Multiple Monitors on my Mac Systems, since 1998, and have run a bunch of different Cadd Software over the years. AutoCad being One. Now, my Main Machine is a Dual G4 1.25Ghz with 4GB of Core, 4TB of Rotating Memory, and three Monitors. A 30" Mac LCD, a 24" ViewSonic LCD, and a 21" Mac LCD. THe Two Mac LCD's are for Drawings, Side by Side, and I keep the ViewSonic above for Pallets, Calculator, Parts Lists, and misc windows. Current Cadd Software is Ashlar*Vellums Argon & Graphite which will run on the G4's or Intel , and OSX or XP under BootCamp on my Mac Mini... Gives me a lot of flexibility in dealing with external sources and destinations. Graphite and Argon do a good job of importing and exporting to .DXF and .DWG, as well.
    I use a Scroll Wheel mouse as well as a Trackball for input, plus the Keyboard if required. When it is time to reTire the G4's, I will move to a Dual Quad Core Mac Pro, but that is down the road, still, for now...
  4. yipster
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    yipster designer

    havent seen 28 and 30" monitors in 2560 1600 resolution yet
    will check up, your points too, in a good pc shop soon
    but first i'm off to see the movie avatar :cool:
  5. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Tigerdirect just put up refurbished 30" macs in 2560 x 1600 for $900 in case anyone is interested. Glad I don't have my refund yet or it would have a good chance of being spent!
  6. HakimKlunker
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    HakimKlunker Andreas der Juengere

    Unless you are married.

    Politely, and with all respect: The left screen is for the left side of the brain?
  7. kroberts
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    kroberts Senior Member

    Holy forum resurrection, Batman!

    Two monitors is for all sorts of things. If you use spreadsheets, nothing beats having the spreadsheet stretched across two monitors. Or any sort of drawing, you get detail of up close and a big picture at the same time. If you're a gamer, 3 or more monitors is not uncommon. A flight simulator can have one for forward, one for each side and even go further than that if you want.

    I have a software development environment on one screen and documentation on the other. My monitors are wide enough I can get two normal web browsers open side by side, so I can get a lot of docs if I want, or email, or whatever without interrupting my primary task.
  8. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    yes always had 2 and so has the wife ....4 @ 23 in monitors in total much better than a single monitor
  9. ludesign
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    ludesign Senior Member

    iMac 24

    I'm running an iMac 24" with an additional 24" screen (2 x 1920 x 1200), mainly running TouchCAD and Vectorworks, occasionally with XP in a separate window (if I absolutely have to).
  10. HakimKlunker
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    HakimKlunker Andreas der Juengere

    This is your system manager:


    However: chaqu'un son facon
  11. dreamer
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    dreamer Soñadora

    I had a friend who used 5 (yes FIVE) monitors. It was like being on the set of Star Trek.

    But 2 will do just fine thanks. Ideally, I'd like to have 2 WUXGA, high resolution monitors. If you use any multimedia software that involves timelines, wide screens rule.
  12. HardWare
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    HardWare New Member

    I have 3 monitors, all different.
    24" 1920x1200 LCD
    22" 1680x1050 LCD
    22" 1600x1200@80Hz CRT

    Generally I just use 1 LCD and the CRT for watching TV, the other LCD is for another computer or VM.
  13. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    tripple on one and 2 on the other thats 5
    e mails /ebay / general/ photoshop/bookings spreadsheet.
  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Well done piston --this is a two year old thread.....

  15. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    This is a ten year old thread, but who's counting?
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