how many people work with dual monitors?

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by tux, Nov 17, 2002.


Does your cad system have dual monitors?

  1. I use dual monitors and love having all the space

    96 vote(s)
  2. I would prefer one even larger monitor to two monitors

    14 vote(s)
  3. Imperfect software support has kept me from getting dual monitors yet

    2 vote(s)
  4. I have no need for a second monitor - one screen is plenty

    17 vote(s)
  5. Other

    12 vote(s)
  1. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Jusst upgraded to a Gforce 6600 and it had dual monitor support so I figured...what the heck. You couldn't get me to go back to only one now. It is nice to be able to have a tutorial on one screen and the program you are learning on the other, or two different design programs if you are trying to match a curve or something in one from the other.

    PS if I had the $$$s and the desk real estate I would have 3 or 4 monitors...Gotta have one for the solitaire game and one for the slide show of tropical paradises...the ones you want to sail to.
  2. skyl4rk
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    skyl4rk Junior Member

    I use three monitors.
  3. westlawn5554X
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    westlawn5554X STUDENT

    3 Monintor and hydraulic desk..... Beautiful

    Like these? I wonder what hardware support 3 monintor just with one PC, other upgrade must be consider but I still dont know, anyone out there have an idea?:)

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  4. Tim B
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    Tim B Senior Member

    I'm using a mixed WinXP / Mandriva Linux system. The Linux Box runs as a server and research machine, and XP handles all the CAD work. I can also use the system for twin Linux Boxes for those larger CFD problems.

    The older box is a P4 2.4 GHz (overclocked to 2.5GHz), the newer is a P4 505 2.66GHz. Both machines have 2GB of Ram and ATI Radeon 9550 gfx cards. It seems to be a good solution.

    One Machine with dual monitors? probably wouldn't cut it for me. That said, I'm slowly rackmounting my two machines. So I am using 1 machine with no gfx card at the moment. It's REALLY quiet though.

    Tim B.
  5. skyl4rk
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    skyl4rk Junior Member

    At work I run a laptop (display #1) with a usb docking station connected to display #2, and the video port on the laptop is used to connect display #3. I am using windows XP, it was very easy to set up using the control panel.
  6. westlawn5554X
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    westlawn5554X STUDENT

    WOW... How many monintor can windowXP actually plug in? I am trying to get AMD64 and Window 64ver , how can I set up that dude, mojo cool.:)
  7. skyl4rk
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    skyl4rk Junior Member

    I'm not an expert, I started with the laptop connected to a usb docking station with a separate monitor. I just tried plugging a monitor in the back of the laptop and it worked.

    Control Panel - Display - Settings, it apparently recognizes the monitors automagically, then you move them around on a screen to fit how you have them arranged.
  8. Speng
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    Speng Junior Member

    Yeah dual screening is the shiznit. I first had on my last machine which was Win2k. Got a second video card and you're off. With Xp it's even easier. I have a laptop in the docking station. Digital outs go to the LCD and the RGBs go to the CRT both are the same size and you setup with the screen properties.

    If you're reading Seahorse in the AM and you want to surf to a webpage you've got email on screen and IE on the other. Or if you're working with two huge spreadsheets or editing multiple PDFs etc.
  9. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    (Last year's thread, I know....)
    Four monitors on XP is easy if you have a graphics card that can handle it. Eight is possible with twin 4-head cards. More are possible, but difficult, because you start to run into serious memory addressing limitations if the three separate graphics cards you'll need are any more than basic non-3D VGA units.
  10. Verytricky
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    Verytricky Large Member

    16 is theoreticall possible....

    But why anyone would want more than three is beyond me. Three is perect, balanced nicelyleft, centre, right.

    Left is email, any chat boxes, forums you are waiting for an answer in. Middle is the 'active work' screen and is my largest monitor. CAD, spreadsheets, etc in this screen. Right is for manuals, tutorials or source documents for what you are working on. It is the 'dumping ground' of multiple explorer screens...
  11. PsiPhi
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    PsiPhi Newbie

    I work in an office of around 40 software engineers and half a dozen testers.
    We ALL have 2x 20in flat screens, we couldn't work effectively without them. Since upgrading to 2 monitors productivity has increased (tell your boss, it's fact not fiction).
    If you work in any environment where you have to wait for the computer to do something, open something, process or compile something, you can benefit from two monitors.
    If you have to compare documents, or specifications, or work from an on-line manual, you can benefit from two monitors.
  12. Bergalia
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    Bergalia Senior Member

    How many people work with dual monitors

    I work with two monitors - plus at times a split screen on my main Mac. But I'm no designer...simply use it for comparing manuscripts (original and edited versions) when writing.
  13. lazeyjack

    lazeyjack Guest

    i work with 2, the main is flat screen the other is 36x24x 36 she sits on my knee and takes notes
  14. PsiPhi
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    PsiPhi Newbie

    One more point - most of us have one monitor in horizontal format and one in vertical.
    You get wide pages and you get long pages.
    Vertical is great for documents and webpages etc., horizontal for applications with thier own interfaces (which are usually designed to be horizontal format).

  15. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Oh!!! Ive gone one better than that I use 2 key boards on one monitor.
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