how many people work with dual monitors?

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by tux, Nov 17, 2002.


Does your cad system have dual monitors?

  1. I use dual monitors and love having all the space

    96 vote(s)
  2. I would prefer one even larger monitor to two monitors

    14 vote(s)
  3. Imperfect software support has kept me from getting dual monitors yet

    2 vote(s)
  4. I have no need for a second monitor - one screen is plenty

    17 vote(s)
  5. Other

    12 vote(s)
  1. tux
    Joined: Nov 2002
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    tux Junior Member

    How many people have dual monitors setup?
  2. duluthboats
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    duluthboats Senior Dreamer

    I don't see the need. I very seldom split my screen.
  3. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    I Have no experience with multiple screens - like Gary, I can't really see the need though. But this is one place where bigger IS better....
  4. pedja
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    pedja Junior Member

    Matrox g550

    I work on two monitor it is wonerful, it is best
  5. Polarity
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    Polarity Senior Member

    I did try but could not find the "old" hardware needed by my old version (Me) of windows. (it needs a supported video card, all the cards I could find were "no brand" and not supported aarrg). the 500$ for a split screen card did not seem worth it just to play with...

  6. snakefeet
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    snakefeet Junior Member

    I can't go back to one!

    I used to think of dual screens as a bizarre luxury - like leather-grip pliers or a fur lined bicycle seat. But I was put on a workstation at work with two monitors and I'll never be able to draft on one screen again.

    If cost is a problem, watch ebay for last years's model of dual-head card. I got myself a Matrox 450 for under $50 and it has done a great job under both Win2000 and RedHat 7.2.
  7. Tom_McGuinness
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    Tom_McGuinness Junior Member

    Multiple monitors is best

    I've been using multiple monitors for the past 4 years. All you need is a second standard video card, which sell for less than $100 ea.

    In my opinion, a second monitor provides a bigger increase in productivity than any amout of RAM or MHz.
  8. yipster
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    yipster designer

    one big CRT but use a KVM ( keybord video mouse ) switch code on my keyboard, that way i draw on one and render on the second pc via one KVM setup on the desk
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  9. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Dual monitors are great and improve productive (19 in), cad on one, spreadsheet on the other. I do know someone who runs three.
  10. Herbert lotz
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    Herbert lotz Junior Member

    If you are using some thing like micro stations it is nice to put all your toolbars on one, or a pic of your girlfriend in the nic is always fun to.
  11. Andrew Mason
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    Andrew Mason Senior Member

    It depends on the work you are doing. For CAD work I prefer 1 large monitor. I currently use the Dell 24" LCD, 1920 x 1200 pixels. Dell is now doing a 30" but it is very pricey.

    However, one large monitor is not necessarily ideal for other tasks. Programming environments, word processing documents and web browsers are too big when zoomed up to the full size of the screen.

    For this sort of work my ideal setup would be dual screens, preferably the Dell 20", 1600 x 1200 LCD, both set up in portrait mode. Cost is about the same as the one large 24" but total screen real estate is greater.
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  12. Ari
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    PC screen/ monitor

    During my days at control panel we use to have 8 to 16 19 inches screens..:eek: it do enable fast and continuos observation and control..done it..recently just chuck off 1 screen;) , am left with one desk screen and one portable now..but only utilised one at any one time:) .
  13. Wellydeckhand

    Wellydeckhand Previous Member

    do they have dual touch screen model?
  14. Ari
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    Touch screen ..yes there is..:) Honeywell..Foxboro..Yamatake..Yokogawa..masoneilan..but..dual touch..I had never came across..dual pinch..yes..!:D

  15. marshmat
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    marshmat Senior Member

    Normally I'm working on a Toshiba laptop with 15.4" WXGA. OK, but really not enough for serious CAD. Best monitor setup I use right now is a trio of XGA-resolution Compaq V75s (about 17" I think) on a turn-of-the-century workstation; ok computer but sweet screen space. Would be nice to have OpenGL and DirectX on all of them though; current card only supports that on one of the 3. Still could use more space- dual 30" would be my ideal setup. The screen's really a limiting factor on a CAD station, much more so than the processing power itself which is almost always huge these days. More screen = more productivity.
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