Evinrude electronic starter issue

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by mlopez0519, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. mlopez0519
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    I am having a little issue with my outboard starter! It works at first but after I get to a spot where I'm fishing and want to crank it again to move to a different spot, it only spins and doesn't engage to start the outboard! Could anybody give me an idea of what the issue could be?
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Sounds like the battery is low on charge.
  3. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    The little gear of the starter motor is attached to something called a "Bendix". It pushes the gear up so it engages. Your does that only when cold, so the shaft is probably bone dry, rusty or very dirty. Clean it, put some grease on and it will work!
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Presumably it works initially, or he wouldn't leave the boat ramp. Sometimes worn teeth on the flywheel or starter will cause intermittent non-engagement of the starter.
  5. mlopez0519
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    Ok thanks CDK, I will open the starter and give it a good cleaning and lube! Hopefully that'll take care of it!
  6. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    As an emergency, you can try rapping the starter with a wrench or something, and then try starting. That sometimes shakes it loose so it will engage the flywheel.
  7. mlopez0519
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    mlopez0519 Junior Member

    That is exactly what I have been doing and it does work but it's a nuisance to have to be opening up the outboard cover each time, So I'm really going to open it up and give it a good cleaning if that'll help, thanks SamSam!
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    A cleaning probably will not fix this, if it's got the parts in it I suspect. You'll need to get a new drive assembly (Bendix) or a new starter, with the drive included.

    It could be an alignment issue, but this wouldn't be a common issue. The drive being worn is my bet and some cleaning and lube isn't going to fix it. This is a fairly simple R&R process, if you've played with a starter before. If not, get a service manual for your engine and it'll have an exploded view that will show all.

  9. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Yes, I see in your avatar that you have the engine cover sitting on the splash well.
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