Evinrude E-tec 300hp v6 what/how to check?

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by telak, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Since you have experience it's a bit different, but it was difficult keeping those motors running correctly.

    Fuel was not designed to flow through the crankcase, so porting may not be right for carbs. It would probably run, but possibly not very well, or at 300 hp.

    It is possible someone on Scream and Fly might have experience modifying one.
  2. willy13
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    willy13 Senior Member

    Did I miss the year? Is it a G1 or G2? The main problem with the newer G2 was their fancy internal steering system.

  3. telak
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    telak Junior Member

    G1 or G2, is that found in the serial number or is the a easy way to tell by just looking at them? I've been looking at the possibility of using a after market ECU for the fuel & sparks,,,, lots of options with MegaSquirt etc......
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