Electrical systems

Discussion in 'Wiki Archive' started by TerryKing, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. unalsari
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    unalsari Junior Member


    thanks for your care but ı guess ı couldnt tell my problem ı dont need electrıc project just need boat project ı wıll do electrıc project on ıt ok?
  2. KnottyBuoyz
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    KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

    Ooops! Ok then. Sorry, can't help.
  3. chabrenas
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    chabrenas Mike K-H

    Terry, I've just had my first go at Wiki editing - adding ISO 10133 to the electrical section. Tell me whether I'm going too deep by naming the other standards to which it makes normative references (i.e. it defines things in terms of other things defined in those standards). And tell me what I've done wrong with the links...
  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member


    Terry, after re-reading this thread I realized I did not answer your question about opening a link in a new window. It appears Wikipedia does this automatically. But just in case the HTML code looks like this:

    <a href="http://www.metalboatsociety.org" target="_blank">Metal Boat Society</a>

    What makes it open in a new window is target="_blank" The _blank is the command for a new window.
  5. chabrenas
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    chabrenas Mike K-H

    What markup can I use to create indentation? I have a standard followed by a list of others referred to by it. I'd like to make the list clearly subsidiary to the main standard in some way - indentation, with or without bullets, is one way. How would you do it?

    I presume one is not meant to use raw HTML as a markup language..
  6. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    You can use a colon : before a line to indent (or :: to indent two over, etc.) and a asterisk * to create a bullet (double ** to create a subbullet) in the wiki Number lists are done in the wiki using the # sign before each line.
  7. TerryKing
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    TerryKing On The Water SOON

    Future of this information??

    Hi Jeff & Co.,

    I heard the Wiki may be changed or eliminated?? Can you tell us roughly the plans?? BoatDesign.net seems an excellent place for this information..

    Do we need to archive it now, just-in-case??

    Do you need web space? I can host it elsewhere if needed...

    I believe that any complex group like BoatDesign needs BOTH the discussion-oriented forums AND a 'respository' for collected information that can be 'referenced'. Forums are too difficult to comb thru for information that can be collected.

    What do you think??

    Regards, Terry King ..On the Red Sea at KAUST.edu.sa
    Newsletter: http://redseanews.info Community Information: http://kcomm.info
  8. Jeff
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    Jeff Moderator

    The idea of the wiki here began late in 2006 as a way to better organize information by subject, information that in the forum is often distributed between threads or contained within threads with other titles. The mediawiki software seemed the ideal choice because of its popularity and features; but the bridge between the forum and the wiki is a real weakness. Now the 4.x series of vbulletin includes a "cms," which is currently very, very basic, but I think despite its simplicity this may be a better way to go looking forward. The multi-contributor wiki functionality is still not developed yet, and waiting for the base to stabilize has dragged on for some time now. But the advantages are the ability to promote forum posts to categorized articles with a single click, the same bb code used throughout so taking things between forum and cms subs doesn't involve reformatting, a unified posting interface, the same attachment system, and the ability to share a search database.

  9. tile69
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    tile69 Junior Member

    Hi all I m new to the Fourm and the boating world......I have but one question.....It is next to impossible to find any do it yourselfer cookbooks Out there....For rewiring a 40 YO Jet boat...I have a 71 Shasta With a Berkeley Jet drive powered by a 455 365Hp olds....At least that what the Valve cover claims....Any help at all would be greatly appreciated....
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