designing 17m catamaran

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by toni manzano, Aug 4, 2023.

  1. toni manzano
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    toni manzano Junior Member

    Hello, I'm a beginner designer in boat designing field. I'm trying to design a 17 meter catamaran. I'm studying the iso 12215 for the hull construction and scantling. I already got excel files for the iso 12217 to evaluate the design; are there any similar files for the iso 12215?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    I suppose you are aware that, for a beginner in boat design, starting with a 17 m catamaran is a task, let's say impossible, to qualify it somehow. But hey, I don't know the circumstances that surround you so I'll wish you good luck (you're going to need it). If, in addition to ISO 12215 (for whose calculations I have developed specific software) and 12217, you need any other type of help, I will be happy to analyze your needs and, if it is within my capabilities, provide you with that help. A member of this forum, Pablo Sopelana, teaches courses on structural design and scantling calculations with ISO 12215. It is assumed that, therefore, he knows a lot about these topics. Maybe he can help you too.
    That being said, good luck.
  3. toni manzano
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    toni manzano Junior Member

    thank you for your understanding my current situation, yes i know its not going to be easy, but due to the circumstances that surround me i have to go through with it, everyone is advising me to start small but i guess thats not an option for me right now, im still taking baby steps but im confident that these baby steps are going to take me somewhere far!
    nevertheless, im trying to design an aluminum catamarn, i already got a copy of " Principles of yacht design - Rolf E. Eliasson_ Lars Larsson_ Michal Orych " and its been pretty helpful so far, but im not sure its going to help me designing what i want.. hell im still not even sure what CAD software im going to use for the design... i would be very thankful if you can draw me some sort of a " roadmap " that i take baby steps to reach my ultimate goal.

    thanks again sir.
  4. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The first thing you should do is write the list of things he must do and have your boat, that is, everything that serves to define it perfectly. Immediately afterwards, draw a general arrangement, even if it is very schematic, to check, among other things, that there is enough space on the boat for everything that must be carried on board.
    Regarding the software, there are many on the market, some of them free but since your boat is quite complicated, I don't think they will be of much use to you. Maxsurf is a very good program, but quite expensive. If you speak Spanish, I can offer you my software, ARQN, which works together with AutoCAD. In addition to speaking Spanish, you should have an AutoCAD license.
    At the moment I don't think I can tell you anything else, until I know more details about your project.

  5. toni manzano
    Joined: Aug 2023
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    toni manzano Junior Member

    Thank you for your fast response, is there a way i can get in contact with you other than in here?
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