Cool trailerable boat

Discussion in 'Option One' started by parkland, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. parkland
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    parkland Senior Member

    A small 30 ish hp diesel in the back deck with a v drive maybe?
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    One advantage of a gas boat is the engine does not loose as much efficiency as a diesel when slow speeds are called for.

    A modern OB 4 stroke will be a car engine design , as is, or shrunk for the smaller output.

    60hp pulling skiers up fine , but throttling back to perhaps 10 hp for trawler crawl speeds for this boat will not bother the engine.

    With modern complex engines, gas can create 13-14hp/gal , very similar to what an underloaded diesel would create.

    And gas IS cheaper than diesel,,,And one heck of a lot quieter.
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Aww jeez, 200 thousand ?

    Better to pick up a pair of Grand Banks. One for the atlantic, one for the Pacific and skip the trailer.

  4. parkland
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    parkland Senior Member

    And then 2 moorage fees, 2 boats to fix, insure, etc....

    I think a trailerable boat is an awesome idea but 200,000$ seems really steep thats for sure.
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