Computer use and tips.

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by tom kane, May 17, 2015.

  1. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    Location: Hamilton.New Zealand.

    tom kane Senior Member

    For those of us who need to wear bi-focal glasses or other problems slipping a piece of ply wood or other material about 14 inches by 12 inches under a monitor stand or laptop is handy.

    Sliding this back and forth can bring your work on a desk or table closer to help strong bi-focal viewing and swiveling left or right to reduce glare.

    I have seen so many people leaning forward to view the screen and sitting in uncomfortable positions.
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Yes, but wouldn't a cathedral hull shaped plywood monitor stand, be more stable with less desk draft? . . . ;)
  3. tom kane
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    tom kane Senior Member

    computer use

    At a Traditional Small Craft outing at a lake that was flat calm and no wind and watching a very roomy comfortable flat bottom B..boat just idling along..suddenly the craft capsized almost completely up side down and all contents and a couple of passengers were in the water for no apparent reason.
    Of course there was a reason which you may be able to work out.

    I have always been quite amazed that a boat designer, and popular with some could sell plans for such a boat and endanger so many lives and spoil the enjoyment of so many people for boating.

    Mind you it did have a mast similar to telegraph pole.
    I still have picture I think I will have a look.
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