Building a software workflow around MFEM

Discussion in 'General Computing' started by detourdog, Sep 7, 2020.

  1. detourdog
    Joined: Sep 2020
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    detourdog Junior Member

    I'm pretty sure I don't need time motion study. My background is Industrial Design so much of what you state is not news to me. I have been designing that aspect for past 3 years while building out my space.

    Notice how I have full access to the 60' x 30' foot area? I went out of my way to remove most of a brick wall to insert my CNC into what was the Girls bathroom. All the tools our arrange on a single wall. I think I have plenty of physical workflow efficiency.


    This question is about software workflow. I know that the Design process will 100% drive the development because I'm the designer and the bill payer. It is all about me:)

    You have a different facility in mind. I'm very low volume at this stage. I want to develop the process and then evaluate the next steps.
  2. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    You can downsize and limit yourself to the same workforce doing the different jobs but the workflow remains the same.
  3. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    detourdog - Do you have any experience with doing calculations for structural design? How much time do you have to devote to learning to use FEM? Several hours, days, weeks, months?
  4. detourdog
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    detourdog Junior Member

    Downsize to what?
    It's just me and I'm just starting out. I'm building. I want to be satisfied with my process before I add more people. I think your workflow concerns are overblown at this stage. I have an empty room 30' x 60' (9m x 19 m) with with 8" by 10" wooden rafters 24' off the ground. Any workflow issue is solvable.

    If I some how grow I have another 8,000o sqft of space.

    Finally this is the software thread. So why are we even discussing physical workflow? I want software workflow suggestions.

    Thank you,

  5. detourdog
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    detourdog Junior Member

    Let's see... 40 hours a week, 36 weeks a year, 15 years. I only have about 21,600 hours. Which is why all these silly questions are a waste of time:)
  6. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    I'm done with you.
  7. detourdog
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    detourdog Junior Member

    I hope you have a change of heart. I meant no offense.
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Well, if that is the case why post?.... if you seem to think, or rather 'assume', everything is a matter of clicking a button...
    It appears you are only wishing to receive questions to support your premise/assumptions, rather than any critiquing of the process you intend.
    Just an echo room...
    rxcomposite likes this.

  9. Rumars
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Detourdog, I read your posts but I am not sure I understand you correctly, so please confirm if I got it right:
    1. You want to design a boat from scratch.
    2. You want to use FEM to analyse different aspects of said boat.
    3. You are asking if the specific program called MFEM is suitable for boat design.
    4. You want to know what the order of operations is when designing a boat.
    I am sure there is more, but this is what I understood from your posts.

    My answers to the above:
    1. Welcome to the club.
    2. What aspects do you want to apply FEM to? Structure, performance, ... ? What do you expect FEM to do for you?
    3. No ideea, never used it.
    4. This is called the design spiral. It's a repetitive process and different designers have different approaches to it, depending on experience and the initial SOR.
    TANSL and rxcomposite like this.
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