Availability of 6 spline props

Discussion in 'Props' started by pistnbroke, Dec 23, 2024.

  1. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    just bought an outboard with a 6 spline prop and cannot find any available to give me some choice of pitch ....any suggestions
  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Try Vicprop
  3. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    Sent a message but not hopeful and not going to be cheap...Michigan wheel dont list anything thanks
  4. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Just did a quick search through an old prop catalog, seeing a couple six spline options for early 80s mercury 9.9 and some early 80s suzukis to about 25 hp. Trying to search terms around that and only getting ebay hits. Nothing current production from any of the big u.s. prop outfits.

    What outboard do you have?

    (Looks like a few of the ali express outboards have a 6 spline prop but are 6hp and lower so pretty small)
  5. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    All I can find even with your help is the 2 blade 7 1/2 in for the Hankai 7 HP 4 stroke honda clone...But I use the British canal with a 4 MPH limit as long as it does 4 MPH thats OK or not
  6. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    What outboard do you have?
  7. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    Hankai 198cc honda clone . (modified with under water exhaust ).but as the speed limit on the british canals is 4 MPH then having the perfect prop/max speed is not important but a choice of spares would be useful
  8. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    This might very well be in the realm of working over an existing alloy prop.

    Looks like the only 6 spline replacement props turn up on ebay are two plade props for a bit under 20usd. None of the thru exhaust props have a listed pitch, could maybe try tweaking the flukes but it's hard to balance them. Looks like all the three blade props with numbers are 9 spline. Guess for the price maybe could press in or drill out and press in a different spline core as the 3 blade come in 3 different pitches.
  9. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

  10. pistnbroke
    Joined: Jan 2009
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    pistnbroke I try

    written to vic props
    DogCavalry likes this.

  11. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Vicprop does excellent work. They've fixed damaged props for years.
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