15 foot Aluminum Boat with Z482 Kubota

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by TheyCallMeTrinity, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    From the photo it looks like the tunnel starts with a step. That is going to affect the flow adversely. It is also rather short. Adding a wedge should help. It can simply be made of pine.
  3. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    Pine? Or pipe? Ha i think spellcheck gotcha!

    But like Baekmo said, would it run poorly? I am really wanting this boat to work nicely, and I like the input Im getting. The boat i cropped these from was in a video. The boat looked like it was moving pretty well, the guy in the video was intentional running over objecst tho and it wound up tearing up the rudder.

    I don't care if this boat runs real fast. if i got 15 mph I would be happy. I currently fish the white river with a 8 HP nissan on a 14 ft duracraft. It is not speed demon but it does the job. But if you put any weight in it at all it is extremely slow. I mean like 2 people and trout gear( which is very light. )

    What i am hoping to get from the diesel is TORQUE and PUSHING POWER. Plus i just love diesel powered anything. And to draft as shallow as possible. Now when I say shallow, I am not wanting to go into 3" deep water, But as stated earlier, the river has a hydroelectric dam upstream, and the levels of the water change fast and daily. I am also not wanting a "mud" motor.

    Curious about planning as well. If the prop was near the surface, how does that effect plane? I have heard surface drive props have no bow rise. Is this the case?
  4. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    Good news! the bell housing is on the way! should be here friday. Now I have to find out what damper plate works on this little flywheel!
  5. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    Well the bell housing came in and i installed it in a "mocked up" way(there still is no drive plate inside). It is all lightweight and I am very happy with it. I need to find out what drive plate I can use on the z482 flywheel. I looked at the website for beta, but it is confusing. On there web page it says the part number is 206-97041. It says this is a 22-B-4 Mini damper, and says it is for TMC/PRM. Then to the side it says "Requires counterbore for Selva". Nowhere on the website does it mention Hurth, but I know the HBW 50 and the TMC 40 share the same bole pattern for the bell housing. I guess the question I am asking is do I need a counterbore ring?

    This flywheel is just a typical Kubota mini with the 5 bolt hole pattern. Is there any other dampers besides beta, and how do I know which one i need. I see several on Ebay from different manufacturers but I don't know if the will bolt up or function properly.

    After i get this damper worked out, I will be ready for some motor mounts, then I will be setting the engine inside the hull. Getting very excited! I hope this turns into a lifetime boat!

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  6. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    Is anyone on here familiar with damper plates ? I want to but one but I am not sure if I have to go with one for beta or which others will work?
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  8. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    Well I am also looking at flexible motor mounts. I see a set of 4 mounts on Ebay that say Type 55 mount. Will these work on my little z482? I think it stands for 55 KG? Is that each mount? If it is will these work on a lighter weight engine?
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  10. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

  11. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I have not experience with them. Looks like they use a polymer instead of springs.
  12. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    Well i got one on the way from England. I feel like it will work fine, and it was at an awesome price I couldn't turn down. I have 4 engine mounts coming as well i will then be ready for a mockup in the boat.

    How would dual rudders work in your opinion? I am thinking if I go long tail(and not that long of a tail) and had a rudder on each side of it it would handle great. I see complaints about people docking with them in large boats, but I won't ever be docking this small boat. I also hear they work well in reverse which would be nice!
  13. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    well i have all my parts, less the bolts, for the engine. I plan on mounting it after thanksgiving. i have a transmission, bell housing, damper, and adapter. Getting crunch time! i am still trying to decide how i want to run the shaft out of the boat!

  14. TheyCallMeTrinity
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    TheyCallMeTrinity Junior Member

    Well i have been really caught up working through the holidays but finally got a chance to mess with the boat motor. I assembled all of my parts, but now I have ran into another problem. I installed the drive plate spacer ring and the damper plate. When i slide the transmission bellhousing on, there is like a 1/4" gap between the plate that bolts to the engine and the bell housing. These are all beta parts, and the beta guy said they use the OEM kubota flywheel and starter. It has to be something simple I am going to take another look tomorrow. All of the bolts to everything lines up perfect.
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