As my professors always told me...start with a free body diagram showing all the forces. Do that and you will answer all the above questions....
This is old hat. Vessels with suspension Experimental Catamaran with active...
Yes, otherwise you will never dig yourself out of your own hole and pitch/cartwheel forward over your bow. FWIW, don't be backwards and not look...
Amen Edit to add: Every now and then I go back and touch this post to keep it present. In 10 years??...
Actually, a hovercraft offer options that will support almost all his requirements. All-weather open ocean would be a bit of a challenge, but it...
Yep, I'd start with gear tooth design. Gears are designed with a specific torque to rpm profile. Get too far off that and you will have all...
Welcome to the forums. What material is the halyard? Is it wire to rope? Internal? Any work on the mast recently?
Welcome to the forums. Generally when it is working and then just stops giving an overtemp alarm, it is one of two things; a) the impeller has...
Per the manual, the red is a non-developable area....
Yep, and being considered for other marine applications. First look at Tesla Semi’s giant 1000 v battery pack...
Ok, if that is your thrust, what you are specifically looking for is the Gabrielli-von Karman analysis. Here is the original and there are many...
I concur, it is more about what happens to the dinghy where it is stored, than the actual dimensions. If 'I' was storing a dinghy on a davit...
It doesn't scale that way, You would end up doing more than if you had just calculated it directly, since you have to calculate it for the model...
Sigh....Spreadsheets are called spreadsheets because they mimic the way it was done by hand! <facepalm> Yes, with a set of lines (Bonjeans are...
So as a hydrofoil you will have no thrust deduction, but realistically a typically outboard leg is not up to hydrofoil needs. Additionally, 4 EPH...