"I was thinking, if they didn't sink, such as supported by some sort of flotation, pontoons, would the drive tracks be able to bring them up to...
The fast snowmobiles get going on the solid, (or very shallow water, a few inches deep) then enter the deep water. They sink like a rock if they...
The better efficiency for displacement boat speeds is fundamentally obtained by moving a large amount of water. Pumped propulsion in 1790 was...
"...One concept had the engine and a lot of linkages hooked up to oars. Not real practical. The other one that is probably the easiest most...
I have been running a sidewheel steamer for more than a decade, and have a couple other steamboats as well as IC boats. See youtube video: <<<...
Is it really feasible to reduce the draft on a vessel of such dimensions by 3' and maintain a good seaworthy vessel? ANS: Yes, it is technically...
I worked for the USACE years ago, and we specified a 34 ft (10 M) crewboat capable of operation in ice up to 2 inches (5 cm) thick. As I recall...
One distinction that has not been defined is that the request is for "Engineering Drawings", whereas the technical issue is really to get the...
Some real numbers, approximate but with accuracy OK for your original question. This data is fundamental, and works for all size hulls. Solar...
"No free lunch just with the throttle." Is that so? According to my training there is a huge saving in fuel with just the throttle. For...
I consider myself a fairly active retired person, launching my boats frequently from trailers, repairing roof parts on our 1693 house, etc....
Cruising with 4 adults - Electric Javelin
I built a small all electric cruiser years ago, and believe your goals are easily met. I converted a 14 foot O'Day Javelin sailboat hull, a...
I have used common tubing compression fittings, with an O-ring inserted instead of the metal furrel to seal the shafts of a few large model boats....
The data and equations I presented are correct for a displacement speed hull, without towing a net full of debris. The youtube video you used to...